j7vlr information personelle

  • j7vlr

  • Occupation:
  • Centres d'intérêts:
  • Sexe: Mâle
  • Date de naisance:
  • Groupe ethnique: Blanc
  • Statut matrimoniale: Couple fidèle
  • Sexualité:
  • Fumer: Non
  • Taille:
  • Silhouette: Large



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peneloper41802 said:
Hi, add Susan97 to your friends on: date4fuq.com?idj7vlr
peneloper41802 said:
Hi, add Maria93 to your friends on the site:
umclergy said:
Thanks again for your comment, I know what you mean, it does seem a
bit wrong, but we both enjoy it so wtf? If you watch part three (when
it gets posted) you'll see that she really is enjoying it :-)
wallace1297 said:
To answer your question 'Got to ask, why didn't you fuck her
from behind rather that just jerk off on her I would have fucked her
and then came all over her, she is very sexy.' Yes, we have done
that many times but I just fancied doing this instead this time.
timj3833 said:
Thank's so much j7vlr for your comment on my video,much
cutiepie51 said:
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog. It really
means a lot knowing I have great support from my chat friends.
Can't get rid of me so easily! lol
northernenglandcouple said:
Thanks for the comment
homevideo said:
Thanks for the comment. The Ladies love to read them.
homevideo said:
Thanks for the compliment. We were starting to think no one cared
umclergy said:
Thanks for the comment, and well spotted on the music.  I'm going
to use that again I think, saves a lot of editing on the audio :-)  I
know it's a bit different but did you recognise this
one: http://www.yuvutu.com/video/1526316/a2m2a2m2cim/  Cheers.
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