Tous les participants ont 18 ans ou plus.
wallace1297 information personelle
- Occupation:
- Centres d'intérêts:
- Sexe: Mâle
- Date de naisance:
- Groupe ethnique: Blanc
- Statut matrimoniale: Couple fidèle
- Sexualité: Hétéro
- Fumer: Non
- Taille:
- Silhouette:
wallace1297 vidéos
wallace1297 photos
wallace1297 blogs
nut1370 said:
Your wife is very sexy indeed. One request though? Please post a more
recent vid? I am not far away and could film it for you, although it
may be too tempting to eat her fantastic pussy!
recent vid? I am not far away and could film it for you, although it
may be too tempting to eat her fantastic pussy!
dan-ton-q said:
Hi there, one of your wife's admirer. Question: Why did you stop
filming your beautiful wife in early 2000 ?
filming your beautiful wife in early 2000 ?
carolinek84735 said:
Hi, add Maria86 to your friends on the site:
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