amateurlovemonkeys blogs

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

My apologies for going MIA last week... there was just too much of real life going on to be able to update my blog. But to report the news that some of you may be waiting to hear: I did it! 31 consecutive days of orgasms, capping out at 127 of them total for the month of October. Can I just say... I'm damned tired! I didn't go all out during the last week but did have a couple of productive days. And come Halloween, the 31st, I finished things off with a bang. (Insert mischevious grin here.)

In an earlier post, I alluded to the fact that having an orgasm every day wasn't all it was cracked up to be and that still holds to be true. There were a number of days that had I not made this commitment, I wouldn't have even thought about having an orgasm, much less follow through with one. We all know what those days are like when we're just not "feeling it", right? I admit, however, even on the days when I just wasn't feeling it, I never regretted going through with it anyway. Not once did I find myself afterwards saying, "gosh, I sure wish I hadn't had an orgasm today". Still, I think it's probably not the healthiest way of expressing my sexuality when I was essentially convinced to do it. But I do wholeheartedly believe it was a factor in keeping my stress level low and helping me to approach my daily life in a more positive, optimistic manner, so for that I'll definitely consider the challenge a raving success.

Thanks to all those who followed along and commented! It was a fun experiment, but I'm glad it's over. I warned Mr. ALM it's likely I'll regress into a week or two of asexual behavior, but he knows me well enough to feel confident I'll be back with a vengeance very soon. When he suggested I have a couple of months to recover before starting my "365 Days of Orgasms Challenge" on January 1st, I busted up laughing.  I'll leave that up to someone else to try. I rather enjoy sex and want to keep it that way.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 26th:

I'm on the homestretch now of the challenge, down to the very last week. And although I haven't blogged in several days, I'm still very much in the game. I've found blogging about the orgasms much more laborious than actually getting them. I guess that's because blogging requires a few extra brain cells and cumming... well... not so much.

My total count is steadily climbing, thanks mostly to the high numbers from just the last couple of days. I had another 10-orgasm day on Friday, which ended in me nonchalantly getting off a couple times while lying on the couch watching a movie. Popcorn in one hand, pussy in the other.

I hit orgasm #100 on webcam with Mr. ALM and a few others in the chatroom watching. It was short and sweet but it was fun to mark the milestone with a little bit of company.

Last night, on the way home from getting a few groceries, I was just craving the sensation of cumming. Mr. ALM was out with his buddies, so I did something I can't recall ever doing before and actually started fingering myself underneath my jeans while driving. (Before I get any hate comments about being an irresponsible menace on the road, it was late and the streets were all but empty so I wasn't putting anything at risk except my own pussy.) When I could tell I was getting close, I pulled off to the side of the road, left my lights on and engine running and rubbed my clit into a heart-pounding orgasm while a few cars passed by. I'd kept my foot on the brake pedal and afterward realized I should've probably put my car in park in case I really lost control and ended up driving myself into the light pole in front of me. Thankfully, there was no such tragedy... unless you count needing to promptly zip up my jeans to get home before the ice cream melted tragic.

It's been an interesting month to say the least and I'm doing some reflection on what I've enjoyed about the challenge and what I haven't. Yes... there have been some things I haven't enjoyed but I'll save that for when it's all said and done. For now, I've got a few more days of cumming to do!

xx-- She-Monkey

Orgasm Total Count: 113

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 22nd:

When I got up this morning, I rather anticipated today to be a "recovery" day in my challenge. Much like my long-distance training in running, a hard workout should typically be followed up by an easy one to avoid injury or burnout. I don't imagine I'm at risk of injuring myself by having orgasms, but I am a little concerned about burning out. With only ten days left, I'm so close to being successful and wouldn't want to jeopardize that by going needlessly overboard.

Well... so much for that.

While catching up with him on the phone, Mr. ALM suggested a specific way for me to fill my daily orgasm quota. Awhile back, a woman here on yuvutu explained to me a method of having tantric orgasms, a concept that was completely unfamiliar to me but which intrigued me greatly. I still am very unlearned on the subject but with the little research I've done (both on the internet as well as the "hands-on" type), I think I could easily be convinced of its validity. Essentially, as I understand it, tantric sex is a more prolonged, relaxed, even spiritual way of reaching climax and supposedly will ultimately produce more satisfying results.

The first time I tried it was over the phone with Mr. ALM several months ago and while I was fascinated by the experience, I think the full effect of tantric masturbation can only be done alone by oneself. Very reluctantly, Mr. ALM let me go to enjoy my solitude with the promise I would write soon to tell him all about it. I closed my blinds and dimmed the lights in my bedroom, lit a couple of candles and turned on my little electronic "nature sounds" machine to the ocean waves setting (don't laugh... it helps me go to sleep!). After fluffing my pillows, I took off all my clothes, not wanting to have anything obstructing or causing distraction to what I was feeling. I started the process I had been taught by rubbing my clit to the point of just barely reaching my orgasm-- just one more moment of stimulation and I'd go over the edge. But at that moment, I released the pressure and felt the orgasm immediately retreat. I did this not once, not twice, but TEN times. At the moment of impending orgasm-- ten times over-- I pulled away. In between each attempt, I waited for 60 seconds, still carressing myself to maintain constant stimulation but allowing my body a few moments of peaceful rest.

Just as I remembered from the first time I did this, it was nothing less than torturous. To have worked up to that point, with all the squirming, toe-curling and writhing that goes with it, only to willingly let it go when it's finally there is extremely difficult. It took a lot of concentration and willpower, not to mention faith that it'd be worth it in the end! I used my fingers for most of the near-orgasms, but then my vibrator, which made it all the more torturous. I got to the point where all I really had to do was touch my clit with the head of the vibrator before I had to pull it off in time to beat the orgasm. 

After about 20 minutes of bringing myself to the edge of orgasm over and over again without allowing myself to actually enjoy the climax, I was ready and primed. When I brought myself to the edge again the 11th time, I didn't stop. As the orgasm washed over me, the most incredible feeling of pleasure accompanied it.  While I can't honestly say the orgasms were more intense, I can say with a certainty they were longer. What usually only lasts about five or six seconds for me stretched to ten seconds or longer each time. And rather than being concentrated in my lower torso only, I felt the orgasms throughout my body, to the tips of my fingertips and toes.

Is there really something to tantric sex? I'm going to have to say yes. But while I don't think I have the patience or discipline to practice it on a regular basis, I would have to say it's definitely something worth experimenting with on occasion.

For accuracy purposes, I only counted the six "real" orgasms I had. But technically speaking, today was a 16 orgasm day. Who needs recovery?

xx- She-Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 95

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

It was another orgasmically productive day for me yesterday. After work, I went to a local salon to use a tanning bed-- something I do on occasion to help even out the color of my skin since I get so much sun on my arms and legs by running outside. It's not often that I leave a tanning bed without having rubbed out at least one orgasm, which I consider kind of a guilty pleasure that's a little embarrassing to admit. There's just something about lying naked under the warm glow of the lightbulbs and listening to the methodical humming of the fans. It makes me horny almost every single time and it just seems an awfully inefficient use of time if I didn't "maximize my nakedness" while I'm lying there with nothing better to do. That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it.

So, I was two minutes into a 20 minute tan session before my fingers found their way between my legs. Unfortunately, having just come from work, I wasn't exactly in an aroused state of mind so I didn't have a lot of natural lubrication to work with. No problem, I thought, I've got time. I'll just relax and enjoy myself. But while it was certainly enjoyable, I'm not a very patient girl when it comes to getting sexually stimulated. Before too long, I just gotta get it-- plain and simple. My body still wasn't cooperating, though, despite my attempts to dip inside myself to gather up some juice. It struck me then that it would be really useful to have one of those travel-sized containers of lube that I could carry around in my purse for convienient, on-the-go masturbating. You know... like a little bottle of shampoo, except it would be KY Jelly. Surely I'm not the only gal out there who would find this useful.... am I?!

Finally, I found a good rhythm with my fingers by pushing my clit up against my pubic bone and as I felt my legs tense up in the confines of the tanning bed, I knew I was close. I came pretty hard, arching my back, my knees actually hitting the top of the bed as they splayed outward. I was glad for the fans and hoped they covered enough of my soft moans to not arouse suspicion amongst the employees working nearby. Immediately afterward, the moist heat overtook me and I lied still, coming down from my climax, my chest rising and falling with the exertion. I peeked at how much time I had left-- four minutes-- and decided it was plenty of time to get one more. This time, I came much quicker and my orgasm was a little more intense, my moans just a little more audible, making the effort definitely worthwhile. The timer went off and as I extracted myself from the puddle of sweat I left on the bed, I came away with not only a newly tanned glow on my body but the unmistakable post-orgasmic glow on my face.

I wasn't quite done for the day as I later had the pleasure of Mr. ALM's company on the phone to add five more orgasms to my total. Purple Pete made an appearance and treated me wonderfully to a couple of them. When I was done, I had just the spark of energy I needed to do my workout and get through the rest of the day. I slept like a rock, no doubt dreaming of the time I see Mr. ALM again and put all this orgasmic practice to good use.

Thanks for reading, everyone... more soon!

xx- She-Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 89

(POLL) 31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Could we get an idea of how many readers we have?  Please click the "comment on this post" at the bottom of this entry and just say "I do" or something.  I'm just curious.

Thanks! ~He-Monkey

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 20th:

I'm now a full two-thirds of the way into the challenge and going strong! I tend to go (or should I say "cum") in phases. One day it's all I really care to do to get just the one required orgasm. But then the next day I more than make up for it.

Today was one of those days.

When I finally had a few minutes today to sit down and concentrate on my task at hand (ahem, so to speak), I was prepared to go the distance. My quota today turned into a yuvutu pornfest as I clicked on the "hottest" link and made my way through a good portion of the videos on the first page. There was some fantastic material and it didn't take long at all for me to get good and goopy as I sat at my desk, legs spread apart underneath, intently taking in all the wonderfully tiltillating visuals on my screen. I used just my fingers today, using a little dollop of lube to get started but having more than enough of the natural kind by the time I finished. As anyone who is familair with our videos knows, I have a set of pussy lips that are rather full and voloptuous ("chewable", as Mr. ALM calls them). When I really get going, my lips swell and engorge with blood and I have to practically dig into the pink folds with my fingers to find my little bead of a clit. I know I'm at my most heightened state of arousal when that happens. I sometimes even get TOO wet and have a tricky time manuevering over that magic spot enough to reach my climax. It reminds me of when Mr. ALM goes down on me and several orgasms later, I'm so wet and swollen the poor guy almost suffocates. It might be prudent on my part to hone my CPR skills in case they were ever needed in the heat of the moment. 

Ten orgasms (my biggest one-day total so far in the challenge) left my pussy a mass of copious, soggy, purple flesh. It looked like somebody had beaten up on it.... which, I suppose isn't too far from the truth.  Can't wait 'til tomorrow!

xx-- She-Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 82

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 17th:

For those following me in my little "adventure", I apologize for my absence the last few days. I've never had a flair for the dramatic, so I certainly didn't purposefully intend to keep you in suspense. In fact, you should probably consider yourselves lucky as I haven't been in the best of moods the last few days and I would've hated to have written something in my sour state of mind that might have offended anyone. I'm glad to report, however, I've successfully survived another month of being a fertile woman and seem no worse the wear.

And yes... I'm still having orgasms every day.

They haven't all come easily by any means. A few of them were downright convinced, such as the one I rubbed out in the shower after a sweat-soaked four miles on the treadmill. As I stood there, rubbing my pussy with my hand, I was much more engrossed by the warmth of the water coursing over my body than by what was going on between my legs. I was certain my shower would go cold before I finally came, but thankfully didn't have to work too hard before I felt that tell-tale sensation that signals my imminent climax. Although I was soaked in water, I could feel beads of sweat forming on my chest between my tits and the steam encircling my face made my breathing even more labored. My legs, already a bit wobbly from running, turned into noodles when my orgasm overtook my muscles and I had to brace myself against the wall of the shower to safely ride it out. I felt my heart beating through my chest, making me wonder if one day, this would be how I would die... by having a heart attack in the shower while rubbing out an orgasm.

My total count has been steadily climbing, sometimes just by one orgasm at a time, but other times by a handful. Today, Mr. ALM helped talk me through half a dozen of them over the phone while we recalled experiences we've had together in the past and fantasized of those we'd like to have together in the future. My fingernails are quite long right now and while sometimes they get in the way as I manipulate my pussy lips and my clit, today they actually helped stimulate a little more sensation whenever the tips of my nails would dig in just a little deeper into my flesh. I quite liked the feeling and might practice incorporating more of it in the future. 

I often like to watch our videos on the site for inspiration while I masturbate and asked Mr. ALM which one I should use today. He suggested our video "Vibrated and Violated", which was kind of a sleeper hit amongst our viewers (compared to some of our other videos), but one we both really like. We agreed my most intense orgasm captured on film is shown in this video and watching it over and over again today certainly helped induce more.

I'll now very soon be entering the phase of the month when I'm the most horny. I can practically feel the hormones racing through my blood during this phase, making me wonder if I'm really just a sex-crazed 15-year old boy reincarnated in the body of a 36-year old woman. Everything reminds me of sex during this phase. At work while talking to a client, I'll subtlely shift my position at my desk just to feel the crotch of my slacks pressing against my clit.  While eating a popsicle, I'll find myself sucking and licking it as if I'm going to draw a load of fruit-flavored cum out of it any second. I can't even get through chopping vegetables for a dinner salad without putting the cucumbers at risk. 

Stay tuned, folks. The best is yet to come!


Orgasm Running Total: 69 

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 13th:

I think having an orgasm every day is becoming as routine as taking a shower every day. Brushing my teeth. Eating. Sleeping. It's just part of what I do every day now and I have to say I think my mood and attitude about life in general has even improved. Maybe it's just because I'm perpetually in either a pre or post orgasmic-induced haze, but hey... who cares?! Life is good!

I finished yesterday with five total orgasms, four of them coming while I lied in bed just before going to sleep. I was on my stomach and I had slipped my hand underneath me to rub my crotch over my pajama shorts. I love doing this at night as it always seems to calm my mind and relax my body in preparation for sleep. I don't always cum when I do this; in fact, most of the time I end up just drifting off to sleep while my hand still rests firmly between my legs. But last night as I gently massaged myself and felt the sensations reverberate though my body, I knew I had to feel that climax before I could sleep. I closed my eyes and visualized being with Mr. ALM and that's all it took to take me over the edge. One wasn't quite enough so I kept going until I truly was exhausted and ready for slumber.

Today was also a productive one as 15 minutes of playtime in the quiet of my bedroom resulted in 8 orgasms, one right after another. They seemed to come so quickly today that I had a hard time keeping count. None of them were particularly intense but each one was certainly enjoyable its own way. Purple Pete made an appearance again today and helped bring out a couple of O's. I just love Purple Pete.

If I'm going to fail this challenge, it will undoubtedly be within the next few days when my period starts and I retreat into my dark cave of painful seclusion for the first 48 hours. I'm a little worried, but I've got nearly two weeks under my belt now and I know if I can get through the next few days, I'll be home-free. In fact, I'm so confident of my success that I now have a secondary goal. Along with having at least one orgasm a day through the month of October, I'm also shooting for over 100 orgasms total for the month. I'm more than halfway there already. Ain't nothin' gonna stop me now!

xx- She-Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 57

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 10th:

I missed blogging yesterday because... well... because I just didn't feel like it. And to be totally honest, I didn't really feel like having an orgasm yesterday either. I'm sure any who are following my little adventure would prefer to hear how I bounded out of bed as soon as the sun rose and rubbed myself raw for the enusing 24 hours. But the plain truth of the matter is that while I have an extremely healthy sexual appetite, I'm not some nymphomaniac porn star. Well... I'm not a porn star at least. ;-)

I'm also dangerously approaching what Mr. ALM has lovingly labeled my "Asexual Phase". Most of you might be more familiar with the term "PMS"; they are one and the same. While I really do try to reign myself in from biting his head off at any given moment, I concede I can get a little "snippy" with Mr. Monkey. He is patient and understanding, however, and has come to learn the best thing to do during my Asexual Phase is refrain from any talk of sex whatsoever and repeat the words "yes, dear" over and over again, whether or not they play any relevance to the conversation at hand. Yesterday, I could definitely feel the effects of my Asexual Phase coming on as I lied naked in the tub with the perfect opportunity to lather up my pussy and play with it like it was a rubber duckie. But instead, I just lied there, staring blankly at the wall, my hands resting listlessly at my sides. Finally, when I realized I had better get it over with it or risk turning into a prune forever, I went to work. As I had done before, I used a little bath wash as lube but was annoyed to find it caused a little stinging this time. I'm a tough broad, though, so I stuck it out until I finally-- mercifully-- had the orgasm. Although it wasn't at all unpleasant, I wasn't about to go for another one as I mentally crossed off that day's quota, as minimal as it was.

I had fears today would be even worse. But thanks to some enticing conversation with Mr. ALM, I found myself in a surprisingly randy mood. After pulling down my jeans and panties past my thighs, I kneeled on my bedroom floor in front of a large cheval mirror to watch myself play. Pulling up my top over my tits, I noticed they looked a little fuller than usual (one of the very few perks of PMS and one about which I'll never complain). I leaned back a bit and went to work on my already moist lips with my fingers. The reflection in the mirror made me smile to myself as I saw the muscles in my stomach and my legs tense, revealing a strong, sleek outline to my body. After each orgasm (changing positions each time), I became wetter and wetter to the point of taking my fingers off my pussy and having a stream of juice come along with them. I watched the mirror and saw my face begin to glow from the effect of my "workout". I really need to learn how many calories one burns having an orgasm. I think it's quite reasonable I should count getting off as my cross-training for the week.

When I finally pulled my fingers away from myself for the last time today, I'd cum six times. Not bad for an asexual, PMS'ing bitch. Not bad at all. 

Orgasm Running Total: 43

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 8th:

They say if you do something every day for 21 days, it becomes a habit. I'm starting to suspect this may even apply true for having orgasms. Instead of putting them off for when I feel like it sometime during the day, I'm finding myself eager to get them much earlier than later.  This morning, before I worked out, showered, or even brushed my teeth, I was on my hands and knees working a buzzing vibrator in my pussy. Go figure! I'd already rubbed out two orgasms with my fingers and decided Purple Pete really ought to get in on some of this action. He treated me well, as always. Because this is a new toy for me, I'm getting used to having orgasms while being penetrated on a regular basis... something that has escaped me for the majority of my life. It's such an intense feeling-- the same in some aspects but different in so many others. I've only had two incidents in the past when I remember squirting. Both involved the use of a rather large dildo as I worked it frantically in my pussy for a long time. I was startled at first, but then rather pleased with myself for the accomplishment (not exactly the kind of thing you write home to Mom about, but you catch my drift). When I had the orgasm with Pete today, it was so accentuated I actually thought I might get close to squirting again. It didn't happen, but I'm thinking with a little more practice it just might. I'll keep a towel handy, just in case!

xx- She-Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 36

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 7th:

I had a particularly exhausting day of work today training a new employee. When I came home, getting today's orgasm wasn't exactly at the top of my to-do list, but after having a big mug of coffee and talking to my honey on the phone for awhile, I finally felt the urge to let one go. I lied on my back on my bed, pulled down my jeans and squeezed a dollop of lube onto my clit. While I worked my clit with my middle finger, I reached for my latest issue of "Runner's World" and starting thumbing through the pages. It was rather erotic to be intently perusing a magazine while casually working my pussy into a swollen mass of pink flesh. Ultimately, without my really having to work very hard at getting there (although it did take at least ten minutes), I could feel my first orgasm coming on. I put down my magazine and concentrated on getting the O, closing my eyes and thrusting my hips while I rode through the wave of ecstacy coursing through my entire body. When it was over, I went back to my magazine but kept my finger on my clit, circling... circling... circling until I felt ready again. I went on like this for probably 20 minutes. Reading an article; rubbing out an orgasm; reading another article; rubbing out another orgasm. I got interrupted by a phone call after four orgasms, otherwise I think I might still be here alternating between reading articles and rubbing out orgasms. It was a rather satisfying day... not to mention informative!

Orgasm Running Total: 32

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 6th:

I have a little catching up to do with blogging, but fear not, dear readers, I'm still going strong on the challenge! I'm almost a week into it and can proudly report I've dutifully snagged at least one orgasm every day. In fact, except for one day, I've had well over just one orgasm. My total count is climbing steadily but surely for the month.

Today's orgasms were particularly fun. I had the chance to play on webcam for Mr. ALM while I rubbed them out, which is the next best thing to actually being together in person. We were on the phone at the same time, so it was kind of like a double whammy. I had two "warm-up" O's before he came simultaneously with me on the third. I love listening to the sounds of a man having an orgasm; it's throroughly erotic to me. Mr. Monkey surely didn't disappoint and serenaded me with the melodious sounds of pleasure as he reached another of his ever "productive" finishes. My own orgasms were fantastic in their own right, inducing a light sheen of sweat on my face to cast that post-orgasmic glow. Were it not for my limited time, I'm sure I could have upped the total by quite a few more, but it certainly will be counted as a good day nonetheless.

Stay tuned!

xx-She Monkey

Orgasm Running Total: 28

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 4th:

I slipped into a warm bubblebath earlier today to do a little soaking and relaxing. I'd just been out to do a 9-mile run but had to cut it short when a nagging calf injury reared its ugly head again. I'd had to walk almost four miles in the rain to get back home and was in a really sour mood by the time I got there. The bubble bath was my way of trying to calm down and treat myself to a little quiet meditation. The stress from the busted run eventually wore away as the warm water coursed over my body. I noticed how hard my nipples were and traced them in circles with my fingertips before running them down my belly and between my legs. I figured it was as good a time as any to get today's orgasm, even if I still was harboring a little residual frustration from the run. Because the water from my bath wouldn't help my cause at all, I poured a few drops of body wash onto my fingers to use as lube. I arched my back just slightly, lifting my hips above the water and went to work on my clit. I didn't focus on anything else this time as I knew if I were to reach my climax in the water, I'd have to fully concentrate on my clit. I was patient, however, and enjoyed the sensation of the foamy soap building around my pussy. I tried to relax my legs but could tell the confinement of the tub was making my muscles tense a little uncomfortably. When I came, the position of my legs caused both of my hamstrings to cramp suddenly and I had to decide which I wanted more-- to ride out the pleasure of the orgasm or relieve the pain of the cramping. In the end, I compromised and finished out the peak of the orgasm but then released the pressure on my clit while I was still coming down from it in order to adjust my legs. Sexual pain is certainly not one of my fetishes, but I can see how a manageable amount of it can add a little extra excitement once in awhile.

The day is still young but I doubt I'll be adding to today's total. I need to rest and give my calf some TLC rather than stressing it out even more. As I type this, however, I can feel my pussy throbbing. Giving it only one orgasm is a cruel trick and it will probably remind me of that fact for the rest of the day.

More tomorrow!  xx- She-Monkey 

Orgasm Running Total: 20

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 3rd:

Despite (or perhaps, because of) rubbing myself into a frenzy the last three days, I woke this morning feeling downright asexual. If it hadn't been for the challenge, I doubt I would have even given having an orgasm today a second thought. I knew the longer the day went on, the harder it would be for me to find the opportunity to do it, so I decided to try to knock today's O out as early as possible. I took a hot shower which inevitably makes me horny and it did just the trick. After exiting the shower, I lied on my bed under the cool waves of the ceiling fan while the beads of moisture on my nude body slowly dissipated. I didn't bother pulling out Purple Pete today, knowing I didn't have the energy to handle the little guy. After my playtime, I had a heavy workout on schedule and really needed to have the use of my legs for the next couple of hours. My first orgasm is always the toughest to draw out and today was no different. It seemed I was working my clit with my fingers for an extraordinarly long time until I came close to the edge. When the orgasm finally came, it was disappointingly subtle and short. I just couldn't let it go at that, so I gave it another go and this time worked out a much more satisfying climax. Two was plenty and I'm sure even though I didn't feel particularly up to it when I began, the orgasms helped spark a little energy for the rest of the day.

When I told Mr. ALM later on the phone that I had already gotten my orgasms for the day without his help, he was a little disappointed but proud of me for my determination. He told me again he really doesn't think I'll be able to complete the challenge, but knows I'm stubborn enough to do it just to prove him wrong, if for no other reason!

After my workout, I cleaned up again and changed into some yoga clothes. At some point during the routine I decided at the end of it I would get one more orgasm to top off the day. As soon as I was done with my final relaxation pose, I promptly pulled my top up and tugged my pants down, exposing my tits down my midriff past my hips. I'd done a touch-up shave in the shower and was sporting just a small, thin triangular patch that looked damned inviting, if I did say so myself. I wasn't particularly wet, unfortunately, and didn't want to get up from my position on the floor to get any lube. So instead of working my clit with moist, gliding movements, I manipulated it with pressure and friction against my pubic bone. I dipped my middle finger inside my pussy to gather a little wetness and even licked my finger a couple of times to try to help. I much prefer cumming with more lubrication than less but when I finally reached the edge it wasn't any less dramatic. I came hard, arching my back and splaying my legs against the rough texture of the carpet below my body. My vocalisms were rather loud and for a moment I considered toning it down a notch in case I had any windows open but then decided I didn't care if anyone heard. Completely satisfied for the day, I pulled up my pants to get ready for work and noticed the smirk on my face as I passed by the mirror on the wall. This is going to be the easiest thing I've ever done in my life.   

Orgasm Running Total: 19

31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 2nd:

They say masturbating is a great way to relieve stress and I'm proof that's the truth. Whenever I'm feeling really high-strung, all I have to do is rub out a few orgasms to feel like the world is still spinning the way it ought to be. The last two days of orgasms have had a tangible effect on me as I actually woke this morning, dare I say, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I knocked out a day of work and came home with time to spare to call Mr. ALM and hopefully have his help in tackling Day No. 2. He is never one to turn down an opportunity to hear me cum and once again expertly talked me through it. I used my fingers again this time for the first six orgasms, then pulled out a toy that Mr. ALM bought for me a long time ago but didn't let me take home until just recently. It's a knock-off of the popular Rabbit vibrator with an extension off the main dildo serving as the "bunny ears" for clitoral stimulation. I haven't had much opportunity to experiment with it (since we've only used it when we've been together) but knew it could give me the kind of orgasms that make my eyes roll back into my head. Unfortunately, I'm one of those women that has a hard time reaching orgasm through only intercourse; I have to have some kind of stimulation on my clit to get me over the edge. While I certainly don't complain about it (especially given the fact I was blessed to be multi-orgasmic), I can't help but crave feeling penetration while I'm cumming. Mr. ALM helps that happen for me when we're together, but when I'm on my own I have to resort to using a toy. Suffice to say, I was really excited to take home "Purple Pete" (as we've affectionately dubbed my new Rabbit vibe). After six orgasms via my fingers, I let Pete's little probing ears bring two more out of me, all the while shallowly thrusting the dildo in and out of my frothy pussy. I felt like I'd just gotten started but decided to call it good after eight orgasms in an effort to not wear myself completely out. Whenever I orgasm, my legs instinctively tighten up from my hips all the way down to my toes, tensing my muscles into steel-like beams. Three days with a combined total of 21 orgasms on top of 12 miles of running, 15 miles of biking and an hour on weights at the gym has left my body feeling just a tad achy.  I'll need to rest well tonight... tomorrow's scheduled orgasm is quickly approaching.

Stay tuned!


31 Days of Orgasms (continued...)

Please first read about the challenge here->

October 1st:

My first day of the challenge. Since I'd rubbed out five orgasms the day before, I wasn't feeling like I really needed to cum that badly. But as they say, the more you get the more you want, so I certainly wasn't adverse to the idea of having another "feel-good moment". Plus, it was the first day of the challenge... I've at least got to make a strong showing on the first day or risk the inevitable "I-told-you-so's" from He-Monkey. So, after a particularly tough workout at the gym, which ended in me limping off the treadmill soaked in sweat from head to toe, I showered and ate (building up my strength for a workout of another sort) and dialed up the Monkey Man. There is nobody on this planet that does phone sex better than Mr. ALM. He knows just what to say to get my tongue wagging and my legs quivering. Along with his soothing voice whispering naughty-nothings into my ear, I pulled up our "Triple Play" video to watch in the background. 

Before I knew it, I'd rubbed out eights orgasms, one after another.  I used only my fingers for all of them and each one felt just a little more intense than the one before. By the time I was finished, I needed another shower to wash off all the goo that had accumulated across my belly and inner thighs. Surely, I won't be logging eight orgasms a day for the next 31 days (which, according to Mr. ALM's astute mathematical calculations would add up to an astounding 248 O's for the month) but I was happy with the solid start. As I lay in bed that night, feeling my pussy still tingling just slightly from the day's activities, I had a feeling I'm in for a helluva fun time this month. 


31 Days of Orgasms

Greetings, All... She-Monkey here!

While we work on getting a new video edited to post, we thought it might be fun to contribute something a little different to the site for a change (at least for us) by way of blogging. As some of you know, Mr. ALM and I have a long-distance relationship that covers the geographic span of 300 miles. We are able to see each other every couple of months, but in between our meetings we nurture our relationship online and over the phone. Regular phone sex is a vital component to our relationship and helps keep us intimately connected until we're able to spend time together in person again. 

A few weeks ago, after a particularly satisfying phone sex session, Mr. ALM proposed somewhat of a "challenge" for me. He wondered if I would be willing to try an experiment with something I've never done before: have at least one orgasm every single day for for a full month. At first, I scoffed. Although I am an extremely sexual creature who craves the sensation of orgasms, having one every single day seemed a little preposterous. Or was it?

After a little thought (and more than a little prodding), I was persuaded. I would try it... at least one orgasm a day thru the month of October. If I wanted to have more than just one, that was perfectly acceptable, but it had to be at least one. (By the time this month is over, I will actually have had 32 straight days of orgasms as I'd rubbed a good string of them out the last day of September.) Mr. ALM isn't convinced I can do it. He knows me well and how everyday life often reduces me to an exhausted state of mumbling drool, much more interested in what a few hours of sleep can do for me than a few orgasms. But now that I've accepted the challenge, I'm taking the project on as my own. I am determined to not only log at least one orgasm a day but get what will surely be the most orgasms total in any given month in my 36 years of existence on this earth.

Will it be easy? No. Will it be pretty? Most certainly not. But I will do it. And I will document here my progress for those interested in following me in my quest.

Stay tuned for 31 Days of Orgasms... She-Monkey style!

Hey, Hey.. We're the Monkeys!

Hello all fellow YuVuTu'ers!

After taking a personal hiatus from the site for a little while, we're back with what we hope will be an extended stay. We so much appreciate those of you who take the time to leave your kind comments and positive feedback on our videos and want you to know it's for YOU that we do this.  We're normal people who've been lucky enough to find passion, intimacy and GREAT sex with each other and sharing that with the rest of the world is our main motivation. That said, we certainly get a thrill out of putting ourselves "out there" this way and find your reaction to be all the inspiration we need to film more videos. So, please... keep your comments and feedback coming and we will, in return, keep the videos coming. ;-)

We receive quite a few private messages and always appreciate the personalized comments, ideas and suggestions. We try to reply to every PM we receive but apologize if some of them slip through the cracks. We really do enjoy reading them, though, and encourage you to contact us that way whenever you'd like. We're always open to ideas and suggestions of filming certain things, but won't consider anything illegal, immoral... or just plain gross. :-P

Through some of our comments and private messages, we get asked questions about certain things. Part of the purpose of this blog is to answer those questions in a public forum that might also interest others who are reading. We, of course, reserve the right to decline answering obviously personal questions, but if you are curious about certain things you see in our videos or anything else, we'll be happy to entertain them. Both of us are actively involved in maintaining our profile and videos, so feel free to address either of us, but know we work fully together as a couple. We're not post-and-run type of members; being interactive on yuvutu is important to us as we've certainly enjoyed the benefits this terrific community offers.

Thanks again to all of you!

Warm, wet regards--

Amateur Love Monkeys

  •  amateurlovemonkeys
  • Centres d'intérêts:
  • Sexe
  • Couple hétérosexuel
  • Occupation:
  • Date de naisance:
  • Groupe ethnique:
  • Blanc
  • Statut matrimoniale:
  • Couple coquin
  • Sexualité:
  • Fumer:
  • Non
  • Taille:
  • Silhouette:
  • Attributs sexuels:
  • Education:
  • Nationalité:
  • Etats-Unis
  • Pays de résidence:
  • Etats-Unis
  • Etat, province ou départment:
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  • Date validée:
  • 2007-02-18
  • Dernière visite:
  • Vous devez être inscrit pour consulter cette information.
  • Dispo pour rencontres:
  • Non
 - Monkey Jizzness
  •   219K
  •  23/08/08
  •  90%
 - Wildflower
  •   74K
  •  19/07/08
  •  87%
 - Triple Play
  •   711K
  •  14/06/08
  •  90%
 - Jungle Bungalow
  •   402K
  •  15/05/08
  •  89%
 - Monkey Mating Marathon
  •   335K
  •  17/01/08
  •  86%
 - Nipples and Icicles
  •   85K
  •  19/12/07
  •  84%
Séries de Photos
  •   19K
  •  18/10/08
  •  90%
  •   6K
  •  03/10/08
  •  85%
  •   25K
  •  10/09/08
  •  88%
  •   5K
  •  23/08/08
  •  73%
  •   12K
  •  12/08/08
  •  85%
  •   21K
  •  21/07/08
  •  88%
  • markus69
  •   Allemagne
      54 and
  • dirk69
  •   Allemagne
      57 and
  • seik0
  •   Allemagne
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